Hi Good Evening,
reluctant to start it. But after getting inspirations from my friend Ms. Shubhi Aggarwal,
finally I have decided to start this blog.
This name Cruze with Crusader is
suggested by her. Hence, my first post is dedicated to her. Thanks Shubhi for inspiring me to start my own blog. Hope this inspires you also to add more
content to your blog.
This is my latest video that I have created today. This video is also dedicated to my friend Shubhi Aggarwal, because it was her question that prompted me to come up with this video.
This video explains how to create your own filter in MS Excel. This technique can be very much useful for the dashboards. The following features should be known to you to understand this video:
- If
- Index
- Columns
- Indirect
- Rows
So here are the videos:
Please read, rate, comment and share
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